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Mr. Clucky Goes to Court, Today Show, MSNBC
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Bye-Bye Birdie, FOX & Friends, FOX News
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Mr. Clucky Fights City Hall, Today Show, MSNBC
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Animal Planet's The Daily Treat: Mr. Clucky
Click here to read Janet McCulley's blog; or click the image to see the video!

By Todd Wright - Pictured are Mark Buckley and his rooster, Mr. Clucky, watched Latin singer Enrique Iglesias perform in Miami Beach during an appearance on TODAY on Feb. 22, 2008.

"Mr. Clucky isn't just a chicken. He's a South Beach icon and as ingrained in the culture as sandals and cocktails before noon."

Media correction: Many of these articles have incorrectly cited that the eviction of Mr. Clucky is for his 6am crowing, the truth is the citation is for being a farm animal in city limits. Mr. Clucky sleeps in a quiet box in the evening and typically does not hit the city streets until 7-7:30 am.

Video about Mr. Clucky from: thebeachchannel
Click to learn a little bit more about Mr. Clucky and see the video featured on YouTube

Pet rooster given boot by city of Miami Beach may get a reprieve

Mr. Clucky, a pet rooster, might not get evicted, but it's up to the city manager to make a special exception.

Miami Herald, By Elaine De Valle,

A pet rooster who was given the boot by the city of Miami Beach, may get a reprieve.

Mark Buckley and his attorney recently met with Mayor Matti Herrera Bower about the fate of his rooster, Mr. Clucky, to determine if the city commission could grant an exception to city laws that prohibit fowl in residential-zoned areas.

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Actually, Mr. Clucky Is Just Going on Vacation (thanks New Times for setting the story straight!)

Miami New Times
By Gus Garcia-Roberts in Flotsam Thursday, Aug. 13 2009 @ 9:32AM

On Tuesday, pretty much every local outlet -- Click here to read Janet McCulley's blog; or including this one -- reported that code-violatin' gangsta poultry Mr. Clucky was fleeing the state in order to avoid a $50-a-day fine. But yesterday afternoon, the rooster's owner, Mark Buckley, phoned Riptide to let us know that, in fact, he and his rooster (and his rooster's girlfriend) always head to his home in New Hampshire when it gets too hot down here. In a couple of weeks, Buckley will load the chickens into his 1966 Ford pickup and take backroads to the Northeast.

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Plucky rooster Mr. Clucky loses code battle in Miami Beach

Round One in the battle between the rooster and the state goes to The Man.

Larry Lebowitz, The Miami Herald

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Rally Held To Spare Mr. Clucky From Eviction

Mr. Clucky Is South Beach's Famous Riding Rooster - Candlelight Vigil Was Held Wednesday Night At City Hall

CBS4.COM, Jorge Estevez and Lisa Cilli

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Animal Planet's The Daily Treat: Mr. Clucky

Who said roosters only had one talent? Meet Mr. Clucky a bicycle riding rooster in South Beach, Miami.

The Daily Treat, By Janet McCulley

Click here to read Janet McCulley's blog; or click here to see the video!

Cock-a-doodle dilemma: Mr. Clucky's eviction

Code violations, not noise, could cause rooster to lose Miami Beach roost

Beloved Miami Beach resident Mr. Clucky may no longer get to rule his roost. The rooster - a "friend" and pet to owner Mark Buckley, 54 - is facing eviction after neighbors complained to code enforcement officers about the bird living within city limits.

Since housing farm animals is a violation of city code, authorities reportedly have no choice but to fine Buckley $50 and ask that Mr. Clucky be removed from the premises. But he's not going without a fight.

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Celebrity rooster Mr. Clucky faces eviction from his Miami Beach home

Los Angeles Times

Miami Beach's South Beach is certainly no stranger to eccentric characters (indeed, the Miami Herald notes that "the cross-dressing former cabbie who jives to '60s hits for change; the woman who walks her iguanas in a pram built for two; and the middle-aged man who makes custom paintings with his toes" get along just fine there). But apparently Miami Beach's own celebrity rooster, Mr. Clucky, is taking eccentricity a step too far -- or so the city implied by sending a code enforcement officer to serve owner Mark Buckley with a ticket and an order to get rid of the bird.

Mr. Clucky's offense? Contrary to some reports, it's not his penchant for early-morning crowing (although that's presumably the reason a neighbor filed a complaint about him, leading city officials to investigate) -- it's simply geography. Mr. Clucky lives within city limits, and despite Buckley's assertion that he's a friend, he's technically considered a farm animal -- a violation of city code.

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City of Miami Beach wants to evict famous riding rooster Mr. Clucky

Miami Herald, June 6, 2009

In the live-and-let-live annals of Miami Beach, the city has embraced a disparate cast of characters: the cross-dressing former cabbie who jives to '60s hits for change; the woman who walks her iguanas in a pram built for two; and the middle-aged man who makes custom paintings with his toes, to name a few.

But you have to draw the line somewhere, and so the city has decreed that Mr. Clucky -- the bike-riding rooster known for weaving his way through the laid-back crowds at Lincoln Road Mall -- must go.

Click here for more on this story.

Click here to email City of Miami Beach directly to show your support.

SoBe to Famous Chicken: Get the Cluck Out

By Todd Wright,

PETA officials need to stop monitoring Mike Vick's home and rush down to South Beach pronto, because there is a travesty in progress.

Mr. Clucky is being kicked out of his home. Now, if you are a SoBe regular, you know the beach wouldn't be the same without the charismatic rooster that sits atop a bike, takes in the cool breeze and attracts all the hot ladies.

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Miami Beach Gives Mr. Clucky the Boot

By Natalie O'Neill, Miami New Times Blog

Frosted Flakes has Tony the Tiger, University of Florida has Albert the Alligator, and the City of Miami Beach has Mr. Clucky -- the bicycle-riding rooster...

But that could end soon. Last week, Buckley was cited by the city's code enforcement department. It explained the rooster must leave town in seven days. The reason: The city prohibits "the keeping, stabling, or maintaining of livestock."

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More coverage on Mr. Clucky's plight:

Click to see video: A rescued rooster, named Mr. Clucky, continues to elicit attention in his native Miami Beach, as onlookers note his bicycle riding abilities. (ZT Pet News Photo by Alicia Zaitsu)

Zootoo News: Rescued Rooster Rides Bike to Save Animals

By Emily Oz
April 30, 2009

MIAMI -- Miami Beach, also known as "South Beach," is one of the hottest tropical destinations in America -- also a thriving haven for models.

With plenty of people attractive enough to turn heads on the beach, ironically, no one is getting more double-takes than a pet rooster named Mr. Clucky.

The plucky Mr. Clucky doesn't just stand out for his looks -- it's his distinct crowing, too.

"People seem to love Mr. Clucky. They love to hear him crow," said Mark Buckley, the rooster's owner. "It's kinda something different for them, kinda bringing a little nature to the beach."

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Mr. Clucky served as grand marshall for the King Mango Strut

King Mango Strut finds fun in lean times

Miami Herald, December 30, 2008

Most years, the parade's grand marshal is an actual person (although in 2004 the role was filled by the fake ashes of the recently deceased Dobson). This year, Mr. Clucky, a handsome white rooster with a comb like a giant pimiento, held the seat.

Mister Clucky, the 2008 Grand Marshall of the 27th Annual Mango Strut in Coconut Grove. The Mango Strut is an annual parade in the streets of Coconut Grove that features comical reproductions of the most newsworthy events in the past year.

Click here to read the full article, or click below for more news about the parade.

Featured Miami Moment, in the Miami Monthly Magazine, August 2007, Photo by Nick Tzolov

Mr. Clucky Featured in Miami Magazines

Awarded Best Fowl Experience by the Miami Sun Post

Mark Buckley is really good at picking up chicks. OK, OK, we've exhausted the chicken puns, especially since "Mr. Clucky" is a rooster. But truthfully, he must be really good at it because you can't spot the guy on Lincoln Road (often outside Finnegan's 2 chilling at a table - the bird perched on the back of a chair) without being surrounded by a flock of babes or kids, who are undoubtedly asking profound questions like, "Why you got a chicken with you, man?"

Buckley reportedly rescued the chicken, er, rooster, after what he believes was a daring escape from a Santeria ritual, only (and thank God for the unwitting bird) to turn it into a spectacle for tourists. It's fitting for a city that just paid an artist $5,000 to design an Art Deco manhole cover.

Who needs to live in their natural habitat when you can be the subject of a Miami New Times cover? It could lead to bigger and better things than riding down Lincoln Road in the basket of a bicycle.

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Mr. Clucky, South Beach Celebrity, on CBS National News

Mr Clucky Cackles As Tourists Smile

Brian Andrews Reporting, Jun 21, 2007 10:20 pm US/Eastern

MIAMI BEACH (CBS4) - He's known as Mr. Clucky, and he's a fixture on South Beach. Some say he was almost a Santeria sacrifice, but know he's a pop culture icon in a McNugget world. He can be seen tooling down Lincoln Road on the handlebars of his owner, Mark Buckley's bike as he cycles among the tourists. Mark rescued Mr. Clucky, whom he found dazed and bleeding as the bird walked around his apartment building. He nursed the rooster back to health and started taking it along on his Lincoln Road rounds, and found that people were intrigued by the big white rooster.

"He looks like Foghorn Leghorn," said one man as he offered some food to Mr. Clucky, referring to the legendary rooster of Warner Brothers cartoons. Mr. Clucky works for chicken feed.

"He's a chick magnet," Buckley told CBS4's Brian Andrews. "The ladies really go for him." They like to pose with the bird as well, and Mr. Clucky, a real ham, is only too happy to oblige.

Buckley said the bird is a real crowd stopper, and is quite at home on the handlebars of his bike. He doesn't head a horn to navigate the traffic. One crow from Mr. Clucky and the way is cleared.

Click here for the full story and to see the video.

The Plucky Mr. Clucky

by Calvin Godfrey and Isaiah Thompson
Published: April 12, 2007

Local carpenter, handyman, and radical activist Mark Buckley is known for his seven-wheeled creation, dubbed "Frankenbike," which he built out of used frames and chainlink fencing to use as a kind of mascot for local biking group Critical Mass. But Frankenbike isn't Buckley's only claim to fame - lately, he's been getting more attention for his pet rooster, Mr. Clucky.

"I found Mr. Clucky around the same time I was putting together Frankenbike," explains Buckley, "and he loves to go out on rides." That's right - Mr. Clucky goes bicycling. Buckley usually puts a cardboard box by the handlebars for Mr. Clucky to sit in, "but he doesn't need the box," Buckley says.

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CBS reporter, Brian Andrews, takes a celebrity stroll with Mr. Clucky

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